Had a fantastic few days off, visiting with family and loved ones, and managed to get a few little things done. The first few days of the vacation have felt like a whirlwind though, and I’m looking to have some time to focus over the next few days. Let’s have a quick rundown of the agenda, and what we’re looking to accomplish:
- Draft of the book chapter. This is the big one, it’s due March 1st, and I’d like to have the first pass done soon with enough time to edit. February will be very busy and classes start soon too, so the draft has to be done right away.
- Getting the implausipod podcast and websites up-to-date. There’s a few missing transcripts, and a couple are missing their bibliographies as well, and those both need to be updated and current with the material. In addition, I’d like to re-tune the implausipod website to be more than it is right now, which is just a list of shows. It needs a pretty big upgrade, and might need to be separate from here too.
- Finish one or two of the episodes that have been in the pipeline for the last couple months. Goes without saying, but they need to be completed. There’s a lot more to discuss in 2024, and I’m excited to talk about it with you!
- Re-do this blog in terms of visuals and content. more images, more stories, and static content where it needs to be, and accessible.
Of course, this is somewhat focused on the online stuff. There’s a ton of other stuff to take care of as well, but this is what’s relevant to the audience here. Thanks to everyone for an amazing 2023, and excited for 2024 too.