
Calgary, looking westward from Centre Street N, at dawn.

I’ve heard rumours that Calgary is an ugly city, but I’ve never known that to be the case. There’s an incredible amount of natural beauty here, sometimes just around the corner. I’ve lived here for quite a while, and I’m still discovering sights I’ve never seen. Like the clouds at sunrise, pictured above.

Given the cloud cover, only a few of the rocky mountains are visible in the image above (have a look at the horizon line, you’ll see them), but even so the bubblegum colours of the sunrise are magnificent. The (nearly) full moon is still there too, right in the centre of the shot.

Just a beautiful sky. Thought I’d share. Enjoy!

Transcript update

Uploaded about 2 hours worth of transcripts to the podcast today. Even with a dictations program, it still takes a bit of time for review and correction.

With those three episodes done (22, 23, and 24) that gets the podcast back to being fully transcribed. With the recently announced changed to Apple Podcasts, with the automatic transcription happening, I wanted to get ahead of it and make sure our text is included with every episode.

I’m not going to fill the main channel of the blog with the back transcripts, but will note they should be under the show-specific pages on the site here.



One thing I’ve been noticing with the commitment to regular classes, in this case Photography, is that my skill is rapidly improving. I can see the different every week, and my eye is getting more trained and critical of the images I’ve taken.

The assignment this week is on composition, on how to build the photograph, through the particular choices that the photographer makes on what to include or exclude from the frame.

And this idea of composition with respect to photos is new to me.

I mean, I guess I kinda knew, that the cinematographer decides what to frame, and that each one could be a painting, but I hadn’t spent a lot of time putting it into practice.

Now, I know a little bit about what to do, but my skills are somewhat lacking. I find I’m a little shaky on the camera, and can find seeing through the viewfinder challenging too. I know of someone who takes amazing photos, and they’re almost as new to it as me.

But the practice is helping me get better. And the assignments are forcing some consistency as well.

The pic above was my favorite from the class this last week.

A link to the past

Part of the return to the 90s web driven by the likes of the Fediverse is the re-introduction of the shared link page. While not a full-blown DMOZ revival, I think there is some value in it, for pages that still exist.

The Links page for the implausi.blog is here.

Obviously, there’s not much there at the moment. I’ll be adding to it with info and relevant links as we go, taking stuff out of bookmarks and back on to the public web.

Consider this a work in progress.

Emergency plumbing

Discovered a leak under the kitchen sink during the pre-dinner prep that required rather immediate attention.

Tools were available, plus replacement parts bought maybe 10 years ago by accident. Maria Kondo might tell you to rid your house of the stuff that doesn’t bring you joy, but lemme tell you having the replacement part on hand during a -20 winter night is most joyous.

Anyhoo, problem averted. Late dinner. No pics, evening mostly derailed. Ciao.