I would like to subscribe to your newsletter

That’s fantastic!

You can find the link right here. Also, we’ve gotten the first newsletter out. This is titled “March”, and obviously it’s out on April 10th. The plan for this is to be somewhat monthly, near the midpoint of each month. “Fortnightly” seems somewhat ambitious at this point in time; let’s see how it goes.

It’ll feature some current readings and content, as well as one or two exclusive comments that I haven’t posted elsewhere. It’ll change over time, or reflect whatever is currently being focused on.

Feel free to share and spread the word.

Remote work

Couple quick bullet points today, as we return to semi-regular blogging:

(Nothing like an eclipse to shake things up.)

  • Working on a monthly newsletter to keep things up to date. This will be hosted here, not on substack or elsewhere.
  • Along with that will be a bit of a refresh on the site contents, with a focus more on pages than the blog roll.
  • Warhammer content will mostly be moving to AppendixW.com
  • And more original artwork too.

More soon. 😁👍