This is a landing page for the book club. Updated as we touch on each title.
- Technology Matters (David E. Nye, 2006)
- Program or be Programmed
- Cyberia
- Together
- Lifehouse
Appendix W (Warhammer 40000)
(not every entry in the Appendix W was a book however)
- pre-1987:
- Starship Troopers
- “Game of Rat and Dragon” and the Instrumentality series
- Dune
- The Forever War
- Judge Dredd
- Rogue Trooper
- 2000AD
- Heavy Metal (magazine)
- Alien Legion
- Dreadstar
- Epic Illustrated
- Bolo
- Hammers Slammers
- The Eternal Champion series
- The Book of the New Sun
- Dreadstar
Appendix C (Cyberpunk)
(same here: not every entry in Appendix C will be a book either)
- Neuromancer
- Snow Crash
- True Names
- Synners
- Shockwave Rider
- Software